Support » Localhost Installs » localhost can’t currently handle this request.

  • aldrical


    hii, i got my website got hacked. and when i try to open it on localhost using XAMPP, it showing error “This page isn’t working right now localhost can’t currently handle this request.”. i had trying to delete my .htaccess and comparing file with blank wordpress, but it still showing the same error.

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  • Moderator t-p


    Carefully follow this guide.

    When you’re done, you may want to implement some (if not all) of the recommended security measures and start backing up your site.

    Sucuri has created a very wonderful step-by-step guide that can be found here. Follow it. If I were you I would:

    1. Clean up the hacked site to remove all traces of the hack and create a credible database. You also need to take log of the theme(s) installed, plugins and site configurations.
    2. Install a blank WordPress site locally.
    3. Create the site from the ground, considering the list of themes, plugins, site configurations and content. If possible, use the built in post and widget importers to make this step easier.

    Please post back if you still have issues.

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