Support » Developing with WordPress » Header Animation

  • Hi,

    I want to create a header similar to this website [linked below]

    I know that this website isn’t developed on WordPress but I really like the style of the animation of the header. the way the navigation menu buttons fly up and then the sticky header shows up with hamburger menu

    I’m building my website on WordPress by using Elementor and Elementor Pro Builder with the help of Unlimited elements.

    Any tips or help or any plugin recommendation on how I can achieve the similar style of animation.


    • This topic was modified 13 hours, 25 minutes ago by bcworkz. Reason: redundant link removed

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Use your browser’s element inspector tool to see what CSS animation is being applied to the example site. Use similar rules, except use selectors appropriate for your site. Add the animation CSS you want to use to the Additional CSS section of the customizer or style book.

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