Theme blocks – Documentation – Tue, 01 Aug 2023 10:31:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Theme blocks – Documentation – 32 32 213977105 Archive Title Block Thu, 10 Mar 2022 22:36:53 +0000 Go to the list of Blocks

Use the Archive Title block to display the name of the Category, Tag, or custom Taxonomy, on the archive pages.

The archive title block on the site editor

Note: This block works only in the archive pages and will not be visible on other pages of the website. This block should be used only in the Site Editor to edit the archive page templates.

To add an Archive Title block, click the Block Inserter icon when editing the archive page template. Search for the Archive Title block. Click on it to add the block to your page template.

Adding an archive title block

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /archive-title to quickly insert an Archive Title block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

To view the block toolbar, click on the block, and the toolbar will be displayed.

Archive title block toolbar

Every block comes with unique toolbar icons and blocks specific user controls that allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor.

The Archive Title block shows seven buttons in the block toolbar:

  • Transform to
  • Drag icon
  • Move arrows
  • Change alignment
  • Change heading level
  • Change text alignment
  • More options

Transform to

Transform options for the archive title block

Click on the Transform button to convert the Archive Title block into a Group block or Columns block.

Drag icon

Drag and drop tool on the toolbar

To drag and drop the block to a new location on the page template, click and hold the rectangle of dots, then drag it to the new location. The blue separator line indicates where the block will be placed. Release the left mouse button when you find the new location to place the block.

Move arrows

Block moving tools on the block toolbar

The up and down arrow icons can be used to move the block up and down on the page.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change alignment

Block alignment tools

Use the change alignment tool to align the Archive Title block. Choose one of the following options:

  • None – Leaves the block the current size.
  • Wide width – Increase the width of the block beyond the content size.
  • Full width – Extend the block to cover the full width of the screen.

Change heading level

You can choose the heading level for the archive title from H1-H6.

Change text alignment

Text alignment tools

Click the Change alignment button in the block toolbar to display the alignment drop-down. You can align the block text to the left, make it center-aligned or align it to the right.


The Options button on a block toolbar gives you more features to customize the block.

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the Settings icon next to the Publish button.

Block settings button icon

Here are the options for the Archive Title block:


It’s possible to toggle between an option to either show the archive type in the title or not.

Show archive tipe toggle setting

An example with this setting enabled:

Archive title with the type enabled

An example with this setting disabled:

Archive title with the type disabled


The Archive Title block provides color settings options to change the text and background colors.

Color Settings in the Archive Title Block
Color Settings in the Archive Title Block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


The Archive Title block provides typography settings to change the font family, size, appearance, line height, letter case, letter spacing, and decoration.

Get more details about changing typography settings.


The Archive Title block provides dimensions settings options to change padding and margin size.

Archive title dimension settings

Learn more about dimension controls.

Advanced settings

The Advanced tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Archive title block custom CSS option


  • Updated 2023-02-07
    • Updated screenshots
    • Fixed some formatting
  • Created 2022-03-10
]]> 0 15447523
Avatar Block Tue, 27 Jun 2023 13:34:53 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

Use the Avatar block to display the user’s profile picture on any post, page, or template. Although the block can be added anywhere, the most common use is in the single post template to display the author. Another use case is in the Query Loop block to include the post author’s avatar in the query.

Adding the avatar block to the post meta

To add the Avatar block, click the Add block button to open the block inserter pop-up window and choose the Avatar block.

Using the block inserter to add the avatar block

If you want to add one in the Query Loop block, be sure to add it inside the Post Template block.

Adding an avatar block in a query loop block

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /avatar to quickly insert an Avatar block.

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

Every block comes with unique toolbar icons and blocks specific user controls that allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor. To view the block toolbar, click on the Avatar block, and the toolbar will be displayed.

The block toolbar for the avatar block

There are six buttons on the Avatar block toolbar:

  • Transform to
  • Drag icon
  • Move arrows
  • Align
  • Duotone filter
  • Options

Transform to

The transform options for the avatar block

Click on the “Transform” button to convert the Avatar block into a “Group” or “Columns” block.

Drag icon

The drag icon on the avatar block toolbar

To drag and drop the block to a new location on the page template, click and hold the rectangle of dots, then drag it to the new location. The blue separator line indicates where the block will be placed. Release the left mouse button when you find the new location to place the block.

Move arrows

The move arrows on the avatar block toolbar

The up and down arrow icons can be used to move the block up and down on the page.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor


The align options for the avatar block toolbar

Use the change alignment tool to align the Avatar block. The following is a list of the block align options:

  • None
  • Align left – make the block left-aligned.
  • Align center – make the block alignment centered.
  • Align right – make the block right aligned.

Note that the align option is only available if the Avatar block is inside a container block.

Duotone filter

The duotone filter on the avatar block toolbar

The duotone filter lets you create a two-tone color effect without losing your original image.

Using the duotone filter for the avatar block


The Options button on a block toolbar gives you more features to customize a specific button.

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the Settings button next to the Publish button.

The settings button at the top right corner of editor

The block settings panel consists of two tabs – Settings and Styles

The avatar block settings panel


You can adjust various settings and add additional CSS classes for the Avatar block. The panel is divided into Settings and Advanced sections.


Here are the options available in the Settings section:

The avatar block setting options
  • Image size – lets you adjust the avatar image size in pixels. There are two ways to do this: the first is by using the slider to fine-tune the size, and the other is by using the pixel field to specify the image size in pixels.
  • Link to user profile – enable this toggle option if you want to link the avatar image to the user profile page.
  • Open in new tab – enable this toggle option if you want to open the user profile page in a new tab. This option is only available if you enable the Link to user profile option.
  • User – select a specific user to be displayed on the Avatar block. If left empty, the block will use the post or page author.


In the Advanced section, you will see a field to add additional CSS classes to customize the appearance of the Avatar block. There’s also the Apply globally button if you want to apply the selected block’s settings to all Avatar blocks on your website.

The advanced section on the avatar block's settings panel


The Avatar block has two styles settings – dimensions and border.


The Avatar block provides dimension settings options to change padding and margin size.

Learn more about dimension controls.


Border settings provide options to control the width and radius on each side of the button.

Learn more about border settings.


  • Created 2023-06-27
]]> 0 16357507
Categories Block Mon, 21 Mar 2022 16:16:09 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

Use the Categories block to display the posts’ categories. This block is primarily nested inside a query loop block and helps to customize the appearance of the query loop. 

To add a Categories block, click the Block Inserter icon when editing the page template. Search for the Categories block. Click on it to add the block to your page template.

Video showing how to add Categories block

You can also type /categories and hit enter in a new paragraph block to add the Categories block quickly.

How to add Categories block quickly

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

To view the block toolbar, click on the block and the toolbar will be displayed.

Every block comes with unique toolbar icons. These block-specific controls allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor.

The Categories block shows five buttons in the block toolbar:

  • Transform to
  • Drag icon
  • Move arrows
  • Change text alignment
  • More options
Post Categories block toolbar
Categories block toolbar

Transform to:

Transform options in Post Categories block
Transform options in Categories block

Click on the “Transform” button to convert the Categories block into a “Group” block or “Columns” block. 

Drag icon:

Drag icon in the Post Categories block
Drag icon in the Categories block

To drag and drop the block to a new location on the page template, click and hold the rectangle of dots, then drag to the new location. The blue separator line indicates where the block will be placed. Release the left mouse button when you find the new location to place the block.

Move arrows:

Move arrows in the Post Categories block
Move arrows in the Categories block

The up and down arrow icons can be used to move the block up and down on the page.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change text alignment:

Change text alignment in Post Categories block
Change text alignment in Categories block

Click the “Change alignment” button in the Block toolbar to display the alignment drop-down. You can align the block text to the left, make it center-aligned or align it to the right.

More options

These controls give you the option to copy, duplicate, and edit your block as HTML.

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

In addition to the block toolbar, every block has specific options in the editor sidebar.

If you do not see the sidebar, click the icon next to the Publish button.

How to turn on the Block Settings sidebar
Post Categories Block Settings
Categories Block Settings


You can customize the text color, background color, and link color for the Categories block. The color options available will vary based on the theme.

Color settings in the Post Categories block
Color settings in the Categories block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


On this tab, you can adjust properties such as the Font size, Font family, Appearance, Line height, Letter spacing, Decoration and Letter case.

To access all the typography options click on the + button in the right corner of the Typography tab.

Typography settings in the Categories block

Get more details about changing typography settings.

Advanced settings: 

The “Advanced” tab lets you enter character(s) that can be used to separate the category terms. The default setting is a comma.

You can also add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advanced setting in Post Categories block
Advanced setting in Post Categories block


  • Updated on 2023-06-27
    • Renamed ‘Post Categories Block’ with ‘Categories Block’
    • Updated screenshots/video to 6.2.2
  • Created 2022-03-21
]]> 1 15480378
Comment Author Name Block Mon, 25 Jul 2022 18:21:41 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

The Comment Author Name block displays the username of the comment’s author. This block is nested inside a Comment Query Loop block and lets you customize the appearance of the comment author’s name.

Comment Author Name block

You can only insert the Comment Author Name Block inside a Comment Template block within the Comment Query Loop block. 

Click the (+) icon inside the Comment Template block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Author Name block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-name to quickly insert a Comment Author Name block inside a Comment Template block.

How to add Comment Author Name block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

Block toolbar in the Comment Author Name block

The block toolbar contains the tools to customize each block. The Comment Author Name block’s toolbar is relatively simple with the following tools:

Transform to

You can transform a Comment Author Name block into a Columns, or a Group block. 

Transform option in the Comment Author Name block

Block-moving tools

Block moving tools in the Comment Author Name block

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Author Name block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change text alignment

Change text alignment in the Comment Author Name block

Text alignment options lets you choose to align the author’s name left, center, or right.

More options


Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the cog icon next to the Publish button.

Here are the options for the Comment Author Name block:


Link settings in the Comment Author Name block

In the Link Settings section, you can enable the Link to authors URL option to link the author’s name to their profile page. When you enable it, the Open in new tab option will appear. Enable it if you want the author’s profile page opened in a new tab.


Text and background colors can be set on a per-block basis, allowing you to call attention to important content. Pick a color from the suggestions, or add a custom color using the color picker or by adding a color code.

Color settings in the Comment Author Name block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


Typography settings allow you to change a block’s font size, appearance, line height, letter casing, and spacing.

Typography settings in the Comment Author Name block

Get more details about changing typography settings.


Dimension controls are used to control how groups of blocks are placed alongside one another, by changing the values for padding, margin, and other dimensions

Dimension settings in the Comment Author Name block

Learn more about dimension controls.


The “Advanced” tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advanced option in the selected Block
Advanced option in the selected Block


  • Created 2022-07-25
]]> 0 15857479
Comment Content Block Tue, 02 Aug 2022 17:42:48 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

The Comment Content block displays the content of a comment. This block is located inside a Comment Query Loop block and lets you customize the appearance of the comment’s content.

Comment Content block

You can only insert the Comment Content block inside a Comment Template block within the Comment Query Loop block. 

Click the (+) icon inside the comment template block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Content block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-content to quickly insert a Comment Content block inside a Comment Template block.

How to quickly add a comment content block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

The block toolbar contains the tools to customize each block. The Comment Content block’s toolbar consists of the following tools:

Block toolbar in the Comment Content block

Transform to

You can transform a Comment Content block into a Columns, or a Group block. 

Transform option in the Comment Content block

Block-moving tools

Block moving tools in the Comment Content block

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down inside the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Content block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change text alignment

Change text alignment in the Comment Content block

Text alignment options let you align the content of a comment towards the left, center, or right.

More options


The More Options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML. 

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

Every block has specific options in the editor sidebar in addition to the options found in the block toolbar. If you do not see the sidebar, simply click the ‘cog’ icon.

Cog icon to display the Block sidebar

Here are the options for the Comment Content block:


The comment content block lets you customize the text, and background colors.

Click on any of the options to change the color. Choose from the default color or click the upper rectangle area to pick a custom color using the color picker.

Color settings in the Comment Content block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


Typography settings allow you to change a block’s font size, appearance, line height, letter casing, and spacing.

Typography settings in the Comment Content block

Get more details about changing typography settings.


Dimension controls are used to control how groups of blocks are placed alongside one another, by changing the values for padding, margin, and other dimensions

Dimension settings in the Comment Content block

Learn more about dimension controls.


The “Advanced” tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advanced settings in the Comment Content block


  • Created 2022-08-02
]]> 0 15881953
Comment Date Block Mon, 25 Jul 2022 17:15:51 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

The Comment Date Block displays the date on which a comment was posted. This block is located inside a Comment Query Loop block and allows users to edit the appearance of the comment date. 

Comment Date inside the Comment Template block within the Comment

You can only insert the Comment Date Block inside a Comment Template block within the Comment Query Loop block. 

Click the (+) icon inside the Comment Template block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Date Block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-date to quickly insert a Comment Date block inside a Comment Template block.

How to add a Comment Date block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

Block toolbar in the Comment Date block

The block toolbar contains the tools to customize each block. The Comment Date Block’s toolbar consists of the following tools:

Transform to

You can transform a Comment Date block into a Columns, or a Group block. 

Transform option in the Comment Date block

Block-moving tools

Moe tools in the Comment Date block

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down inside the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Date Block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

More options

The More Options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML. 


Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the cog icon next to the Publish button.

Here are the options for the Comment Date Block:


Block settings in the Comment Date block

In the Settings tab, you can select the Date format. By turning on the Default format option, you can choose to use the default date format. When this setting is turned off, you can select the preferred date format from the drop-down list or enter a custom date or time format.

Changing the Default date format in the Comment Date block

You can also turn on/off the ‘Link to comment’ switch. Turning on this button will link the date field to the specific comment.


The Comment Date Block lets you customize the text, background, and link color. Click on any of the options to change the color. Choose from the default color or click the upper rectangle area to pick a custom color using the color picker.

Color settings in the Comment Date block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


To access all the typography options click on the 3-dot button in the right corner of the Typography tab. You also have the option to Reset all the typography changes you made by clicking on the Reset all option in the dropdown.

Reset all typography settings

Get more details about changing typography settings.


The “Advanced” tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advanced option in the selected Block
Advanced option in the selected Block


  • Created 2022-07-25
]]> 0 15857170
Comment Edit Link Block Wed, 17 Aug 2022 20:28:46 +0000 Go back to the list of Blocks

The Comment Edit Link block displays a link to edit the comment in the WordPress Dashboard. This block is located inside a Comment Query Loop block and lets you customize the appearance of the Edit link. The Edit link is only visible to users who have permission to edit the comments.

Comment Edit Link Block

You can only insert the Comment Edit Link block inside a Comment Template block within the Comment Query Loop block. 

Click the (+) icon inside the comment template block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Edit Link block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-edit-link to quickly insert a Comment Edit Link block inside a Comment Template block.

How to quickly add Comment Edit Link Block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

Block toolbar in the Comment Edit Link Block

The block toolbar contains the tools to customize each block. The Comment Edit Link block’s toolbar consists of the following tools:

Transform to

You can transform a Comment Edit Link block into a Columns block, or a Group block. 

Transform tool in the Comment Edit Link Block

Block-moving tools

Block moving tool in the Comment Edit Link Block

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down inside the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Edit Link block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Change text alignment

Change test alignment in the Comment Edit Link Block

Text alignment options let you align the Edit button towards the left, center, or right.

More options

The More Options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML. 

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the cog icon next to the Publish button.

The cog icon in the Comment Edit Link Block to show the Block settings

Here are the options for the Comment Edit Link block:


Link settings in the Comment Edit Link Block

In the Link Settings section, you can enable the open in new tab option, and if enabled, will open the link editing page in a new tab. 


The Comment Edit Link block lets you customize the background and link color. 

Click on any of the options to change the color. Choose from the default color or click the upper rectangle area to pick a custom color using the color picker.

Color settings in the Comment Edit Link Block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


Typography settings allow you to change a block’s font size, appearance, line height, letter casing, and spacing.

Typography settings in the Comment Edit Link Block

Get more details about changing typography settings.

Advanced settings

The “Advanced” tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advance settings in the Comment Edit Link Block


  • Created 2022-08-17
]]> 0 15925767
Comment Reply Link Block Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:47:27 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

The Comment Reply Link block displays a link to reply to a comment. This block is located inside a Comment Query Loop block and lets you customize the appearance of the Reply link.

Comment Reply Link Block

You can only insert the Comment Reply Link block inside a Comment Template block within the Comment Query Loop block. 

Click the (+) icon inside the comment template block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Reply Link block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-reply-link to quickly insert a Comment Reply Link block inside a Comment Template block.

How to quickly add a Comment Reply Link Block

Detailed instructions on adding blocks

Block toolbar

Block toolbar in the Comment Reply Link Block

The block toolbar contains the tools to customize each block. The Comment Reply Link block’s toolbar consists of the following tools:

Transform to

You can transform a Comment Reply Link block into a Columns block or a Group block. 

Transform option in the Comment Reply Link Block

Block-moving tools

Block moving tools in the Comment Reply Link Block

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down inside the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Reply Link block and reposition it anywhere on the editor. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Change text alignment

Change text alignment in the Comment Reply Link Block

Text alignment options let you align the Reply button towards the left, center, or right.

More options

The More Options menu represented by three vertical dots on the far right of the toolbar gives you more features such as the ability to duplicate, remove, or edit your block as HTML. 

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the cog icon next to the Publish button.

The cog icon next to the Publish button to show the Block settings

Here are the options for the Comment Reply Link block:


The Comment Reply Link block lets you customize the background and link color. 

Click on any of the options to change the color. Choose from the default color or click the upper rectangle area to pick a custom color using the color picker.

Colors settings in the Comment Reply Link Block

See this guide for more information about changing colors.


Typography settings in the Comment Reply Link Block

Get more details about changing typography settings.


The “Advanced” tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Advanced settings in the Comment Reply Link Block


  • Created 2022-08-17
]]> 0 15925630
Comment Template Block Fri, 19 Aug 2022 15:46:41 +0000 Go to the List of Blocks

The Comment Template block is a part of the Comments block. It contains block elements to display comments, such as the comment author, avatar, and comment content.

How to use the Comment Template Block

When you add a Comments block, the Comment Template block is included by default. Also, you can only insert a Comment Template block inside a Comments block. Since the Comment Template is a part of the Comments block, the content will change on the front-end depending on the query.

Comment Template block

To add a Comment Template block, click the block inserter icon (+) inside the Comments block to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Comment Template block.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut /comment-template to insert a Comment Template block quickly.

Check the detailed instructions on how to add a block here.

When the Comments block is added in the post editor, the Comment Template block will display the actual comments on the post and use a “No results found” placeholder when there’s no comment on the post yet.

No results found placeholder

Block toolbar

To view the block toolbar, click on the block, and the toolbar will be displayed.

Every block has unique toolbar icons and blocks specific user controls that allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor.

The Comment Template block shows the following buttons:

Comment Template block toolbar
  • Select Comments block
  • Transform to
  • Drag icon
  • Move arrows
  • Align
  • More options

Select Comments block

Select Comments Query loop block in the Comment Template block

This button will select the Comments block, as it’s the parent block of the Comment Template block.

Transform to

Transform tool in the Comment Template block

When you click the Transform button, you can convert the Comment Template block into another block type using the existing content.

Block-moving tools

Block moving tools in the Comment Template block

Use the block-moving tools to move the block up and down inside the editor. Use the six dots icon to drag and drop the Comment Template block and reposition it anywhere on the Comments block. Alternatively, click on the up and down arrows to move the block up or down the editor.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change alignment

Change alignment in the Comment Template block

The change alignment tool is used for the Comment Template block’s position inside the Comments Query Loop block. Choose one of the following block alignment options:

  • None
  • Align left
  • Align center
  • Align right


The Options button on a block toolbar gives you more features to customize the block.

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the Settings button next to the Publish button.


Typography settings allow you to change a block’s font size, appearance, line height, letter casing, and spacing.

Get more details about changing typography settings.


The Comment Template block provides dimension settings options to change padding and margin size.

For details, refer to this support article: Dimensions Settings Overview.


The Comment Template block only has Advanced settings in the block settings panel. The “Advanced” settings tab lets you add CSS class(es) to your block. This will allow you to write custom CSS and styles to the block.

Block settings in the Comment Template block


  • Updated 2023-04-11
    • Added “no results found” placeholder
  • Updated 2023-04-05
    • Updated images for 6.2
    • Added dimensions support
  • Created 2022-08-19
]]> 0 15930049
Comments Block Tue, 14 Feb 2023 15:18:55 +0000 Go to the list of Blocks

The Comments block is an advanced block that displays post comments with various visual configurations. It contains multiple blocks to show comments, such as Comments Title, Comment Template, Comment Pagination, and Post Comments Form. With the Comments block, adding a comment section to your posts becomes effortless.

To add the Comments block, open the block inserter by clicking the (+) icon on the upper left corner of the editor. After that, look for Comments using the search bar and click it to insert the block into the editor.

A demonstration on how to add and use Comments block

Alternatively, you can type /comments on the editor to insert the Comments block manually.

Detailed instructions on adding blocks can be found here.

Block toolbar

Most blocks have their own block-specific controls that allow you to manipulate the block right in the editor.

The Comments Block shows the following buttons:

  • Transform to
  • Moving handles
  • Change alignment
  • More options

Transform to

The transform button on the Comments block toolbar

The Transform to button lets you change the Comments block into a Columns or a Group block. 

Moving handles

The block moving tools on the Comments block toolbar

The dotted icons can be used to drag and drop a block to the place of your choosing. The up and down arrow icons can be used to shift a block up and down in your document.

Get more information about moving a block within the editor.

Change alignment

You can modify the alignment of the Comments block using this tool. Click on the icon and select one of the following alignment options:

  • None
  • Wide width – Increase the width of the block beyond the content size.
  • Full width – Extend the block to cover the full width of the screen.
The change alignment options on the Comments block toolbar

When you transform the Comments block into a Columns block, the toolbar will show an additional tool called Change vertical alignment with three options:

  • Align top – makes the block top-aligned.
  • Align middle – lets you align the block to the center.
  • Align bottom – makes the block right-aligned.
The vertical alignment options on the Comments block toolbar


The Options button on a block toolbar gives you more features to customize the block. 

Read about these and other settings.

Block settings

The block settings panel contains customization options specific to the block. To open it, select the block and click the Settings button next to the Publish button.

The block settings icon

It’s possible to change the Color, Typography, and Dimensions settings. To access them, open the Styles section:

The styles tab


The Comments block provides color settings options to change the text and background colors.

For details, refer to this support article: Color settings overview


The Comments block provides typography settings to change the font family, appearance, line height, letter spacing, decoration, letter case, and font size.

For details, refer to this support article: Typography settings overview


The Comments block provides dimension settings options to add padding and margin.

For details, refer to this support article: Dimension settings overview


The advanced settings on the block settings panel

Additional CSS Class(es)

The Comments block provides advanced settings for adding CSS class(es), allowing you to style the block using custom CSS code.

HTML Element

Use this feature to select an HTML element in the Comments block.


  • Updated 2023-05-09
    • Updated for WordPress 6.2 update
  • Updated 2023-03-07
    • Fixed the link to Comment Pagination block page
  • Updated 2023-01-10
    • Added dimension settings
  • Created 2023-01-04
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