Video Shortcode

In this article

The Video feature allows you to embed video files and play them back using a simple shortcode. This was added as of WordPress Version 3.6 and is used like this:


You can also use built in embeds and simply put the media file on its own line:

My cool content
More cool content


I have an old post that has an audio file in the Media Library attached to it, and I want to use the new shortcode:


Note: Do Not put Space between “[” and “video”.

I have the URL for an MP3, from the Media Library or external, that I want to play:

[video src="video-source.mp4"]

I have a source URL and fallbacks for other HTML5-supported filetypes:

[video mp4="source.mp4" ogv="source.ogv" webm="source.webm"]


The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

  • mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv

Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

  • “off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
  • “on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing

Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

  • “off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
  • “on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready

Default: “off”

(string) (optional) Specifies if and how the video should be loaded when the page loads. Defaults to “metadata.”

  • “metadata” – (“default”) only metadata should be loaded when the page loads
  • “none” – the video should not be loaded when the page loads
  • “auto” – the video should be loaded entirely when the page loads

Default: “metadata”

(integer) (required) Defines height of the media. Value is automatically detected on file upload.
Default: [Media file height]

(integer) (required) Defines width of the media. Value is automatically detected on file upload.
Default: [Media file width]

WordPress Shortcodes: audiocaptionembedgalleryplaylist


  • Updated 2021-10-18
    • Added changelog
    • Corrected the links to the codex pages for the caption, embed, gallery and playlist shortcodes

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