Twenty Twenty-Four

Twenty Twenty-Four is the new, stylish and versatile, default theme for WordPress Version 6.4.

A block theme designed to take full advantage of full site editing capabilities, particularly the opportunities offered by patterns. Create new pages in a matter of moments by constructing them from the wide range of patterns that come bundled with the theme.

Quick specs

  • Requires at least WordPress 6.4.
  • Requires at least PHP version 5.6.

Full site editing support

Twenty Twenty-Four is designed to support full site editing’s powerful features, including:

  • Site Editor: an editor that allows you to edit all parts of your site, navigate between templates, and more.
  • Styles: a feature that allows you to customize your site, including individual blocks, as much as you’d like with different colors, typography, layouts, and more.
  • Templates: edit, create, and manage templates used by pages, posts, and other content.
  • Template parts: a way to organize and display groups of blocks as part of a block template mainly for site structure, like Headers and Footers.
  • Theme blocks including the Navigation block, Query Loop block, and more.

Like its predecessor Twenty Twenty-Three, this theme is designed to use WordPress site-editing features instead of the Customizer, which will be hidden by default. The Customizer may be automatically reactivated if you have plugins that require it.

One theme, many variations

In the past, default themes often centered around a specific topic or style. However, Twenty Twenty-Four breaks away from this tradition. This theme is thoughtfully designed to be your all-encompassing choice for any type of website, regardless of its specific focus.

Three screenshots of alternative Home Page layouts in a a grid
Alternative patterns for the Blog Home template

The Twenty Twenty-Four theme allows users to change certain Templates to use alternative patterns designed for specific use-cases: Business (the default), Writer, and Portfolio.

Alternative patterns

Alternative patterns for the Writer and Portfolio types can be switched to for the following templates:

  • Blog Home
  • Index
  • Archive
  • Search

You can use the Replace Template functionality to select one of the alternative patterns for your current template.

  1. When editing one of the Templates mentioned above – make sure the ‘Template’ tab of the sidebar inspector is selected.
  2. Click the three dots next to the Template name, and select the ‘Replace Template’ option from the menu that appears.
  3. You will be shown a selection of alternative patterns to choose from. Clicking to select one will replace the existing template contents with the new pattern.
  4. Save the changes to your template.

Template Parts

Twenty Twenty-Four also includes a range of different layouts for the Header and Footer of your site. When editing your Templates you can replace the template part with one of the variants.

Custom Templates

Twenty Twenty-Four includes several custom page templates for you to use:

  • Page no Title: the layout of a standard page, but with no page title at the top.
  • Page with Sidebar: displays page content with a sidebar on the right hand side.
  • Page with Wide Image: displays a wide featured-image with page title on the left, and content on the right.

Block patterns

Explore patterns to save time while crafting creative layouts. Patterns are collections of predesigned blocks whose text and media content can be quickly replaced by your own. Whether a call-to-action, an event announcement, or FAQ, patterns can help jump-start the creation of your page or post.

Style variations

Twenty Twenty-Four’s comes with a minimalist, but versatile, palette in monochromatic greys.

A screenshot of the default color palette - which includes a range of greyscale tones.

Prefer a different look? Visit the Styles area in the Editor and choose from 9 additional style variations to instantly switch up the design, including colors and typography.

A grid of alternative Style color schemes for the theme.

Block variations

Twenty Twenty-Four comes with style variations for a number of blocks – allowing slightly different appearance from their defaults.

Heading block

Headings in Twenty Twenty-Four come with a variation that includes an Asterix as a bullet point above the heading.

When editing your headings – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘With asterisk’ style will keep the size and font of your heading – but add the stylized asterix above it.

List block

List items in Twenty Twenty Four come with a variation that uses a checkmark as bullet points instead of the default style.

When editing your list – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Checkmark’ style will keep the swap the default bullet for a checkmark.

Details block

The Details block in Twenty Twenty Four come with a variation that uses an arrow to mark the summary instead of the default style.

When editing your Details block – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Arrow icon’ style will keep the swap the default marker dor the summary section to use an arrow icon.

Links within Navigation blocks in Twenty Twenty Four come with a variation that adds an arrow to the right of the link text (sometimes used for indicating a link that leaves the main site).

When editing menu items – you will see an option in the sidebar (Style tab) to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘With arrow’ style will add the arrow to the right of the link text.

Category and Tag list blocks

Caterogy and Tag list blocks in Twenty Twenty Four come with a variation that styles each term as a ‘pill’ with a light background.

When the Category or Tag blocks within a Query Loop – you will see an option in the sidebar (Style tab) to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Pill’ style will add a light background color (with rounded corners) to each term in the list..

Design specifications

Twenty Twenty-Four comes with the following defaults for style.

  • Cardo Font for headlines.
  • Sans-serif System font for paragraphs.
  • Instrument Sans, Inter, and Jost as alternative fonts.
  • The default color palette of Twenty Twenty-Four is light, providing a fresh and inviting appearance. The Style Variations (mentioned above) contain a range of alternative color palettes.
  • A content width of 620 pixels and ‘Wide’ width of 1280 pixels.

Should you wish – you can also view a more complete list of the spacing, color, and layout presets used by the theme. And remember, the Site Editor’s Styles tools give a wide range of options for customizing the style of your site beyond these defaults.

Support and resources

Get community help with Twenty Twenty-Four in its support forum.

Learn how to take full advantage of full site editing with the Simple Site Design with Full Site Editing course on

Read more about the Twenty Twenty-Four theme in the introduction post.

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