Support » Plugin: Classic Editor » This should be made permanent

  • Going to be brutally honest here: the Gutenberg Editor is… not the greatest thing in the world.

    I’m not sure why WordPress made the Gutenberg editor the default; there was nothing wrong with the Classic Editor and I think WordPress should be shipped with both available options.

    I have not used the Gutenberg editor and I’ll continue refusing to use it. I think WordPress, out of the box, should ship with both editors with users being able to choose which editor they would like to work with.

    I commend the developers for their hard work at wanting to make Gutenberg work, but for old school WordPress developers like me, I like using my own custom solutions in the projects I build; I developed my own custom fields layout builder with Advanced Custom Fields. It is just a better interface, look and feel, and flow.

    I hope this becomes a permanent plugin, let someone else maintain it in perpetuity, or a future version of WordPress ships with the option for users/developers to operate with Gutenberg or Classic Editor.

    The vast majority of WordPress users & developers did not ask for Gutenberg to be standard, and it is a wee bit insulting to those that use the platform that Gutenberg is the only option WordPress ships with currently.

    Nevertheless, long live the Classic Editor. It’s just better.

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  • I hope this becomes a permanent plugin, let someone else maintain it in perpetuity, or a future version of WordPress ships with the option for users/developers to operate with Gutenberg or Classic Editor.

    I imagine that the Classic Editor plugin will be around for a while but, if not, you should be able to deactivate blocks simply by adding a filter:

    add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false' );
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